postgresql7.2 select '1' from t_task_status s, acs_objects ao, t_tasks t where s.status_id = t.status_id and ao.object_id = t.task_id and t.task_id = :task_action_id $limitations_clause select p.process_id, p.title, o.creation_user, person__name(o.creation_user) as creator_name, p.description from t_processes p, acs_objects o where p.process_id = o.object_id and p.workflow_id is not null and o.package_id = :package_id order by lower(p.title) select t.task_id, t.title, t.description, t.mime_type, t.priority, p.title as process_title, p.process_id, t.due_date, t.completed_date, t.status_id, t.process_instance_id, t.assignee_id, CASE WHEN t.due_date::date <= now()::date THEN 't' ELSE 'f' END as due_date_passed_p, s.title as status, t.object_id, acs_object__name(t.object_id) as object_name from t_task_status s, acs_objects ao, t_tasks t left outer join t_process_instances pi on (pi.process_instance_id = t.process_instance_id) left outer join t_processes p on (p.process_id = pi.process_id) where s.status_id = t.status_id and ao.object_id = t.task_id [template::list::page_where_clause -and -name tasks -key t.task_id] [template::list::orderby_clause -orderby -name tasks] select t.task_id from t_task_status s, acs_objects ao, t_tasks t where s.status_id = t.status_id and ao.object_id = t.task_id $limitations_clause [template::list::orderby_clause -orderby -name tasks]