- Created by , on %creation_date% Actions Active? Add A Question Add New add new question Admin This Survey allow multiple Answer Survey Answer Text are Below the question Beside the question Boolean By user Choose a Survey Type Choose Survey Type Choose Type Continue with Delete Copy Copy of Copy this survey Copy: %title_name% Could not find user Create Survey CSV Export CSV file Database Error Database error Date Delete Delete: DELETE: Question Delete Question Delete Response Delete Survey Delete this survey Description: Description disable (disabled) Display Options: Edit Edit Description Edit Name Edit Response edit this response editable Edited Email Address Email Options: enable Enter Message Extreme Actions: File Attachment First Name From: From General Survey Here is what [inactive] Integer is Large Last Name limit to one list - Lets you use this survey as a template to create a new survey. - Removes all questions and responses A database error occured while trying to swap your questions. Here's the error: Email these users Already Responsed: %n_responses% users View these users. <%community_url%/survey/admin/respondents?response_type=responded> Spam these users. <%community_url%/survey/admin/send-mail?survey_id=%survey_id%&to=responded> Already Responsed: %n_responses% users View these users Answers to %survey_name% Awaiting a response: %n_awaiting% users View these users. <%community_url%/survey/admin/respondents?response_type=not_responded> Spam these users. <%community_url%/survey/admin/send-mail?survey_id=%survey_id%&to=not_responded> The whole group: %n_members% View these users. <%community_url%/survey/admin/respondents?response_type=all> Spam these users. <%community_url%/survey/admin/send-mail?survey_id=%survey_id%&to=all> Responses: Cancel and return to survey responses Cancel and return to survey administration Completely delete %user_name_var%'s response from %response_date_var%? (Note: This can not be undone.) Confirm Survey Details Copying a survey will create a new survey with copies of all the questions.<br /> None of the response data will be duplicated. Could not find a survey question Could not find the response Couldn't find attachment. Couldn't find an attachment matching the response_id %response_id%, question_id %question_id% given. DELETE: %survey_info.name% DELETE: Survey Response Deleting this survey will delete all %questions_count% questions and all %responses_count% responses associated with this survey! denotes a required question Description must be less than 4000 characters Edit and submit to change the name for this survey: Essay Answer (Text Area) Everyone eligible to take this survey Everyone who has already taken this survey Everyone who has not yet taken this survey For Multiple Choice<br />Enter a List of Valid Responses<br /> (enter one choice per line) had to say in response to %survey_name%: Here is how your survey description will appear: <img src="graphics/admin.gif" border="0" alt="Administer Surveys"> <img src="graphics/admin.gif" border="0" alt="Admin"> Main Survey Administration Modify a Question's Text Modify previous response Modify Question Responses Multiple Choice (Checkbox, multiple answers allowed) Multiple Choice (Drop Down, single answer allowed) Multiple Choice (Radio Buttons, single answer allowed) No Responses for: %survey_info.name% No Responses for %survey_info.name% on %responses.submission_date% | %responses.response% One Line Answer (Text Field) One Respondent: %first_names% %last_name% One Survey: %survey_info.name% People who answered %response_text% Please go back using your browser. Please make sure your dates are valid. Presentation Alignment Preview One Survey: %name% Previous response on: %surveys.creation_date% Previous response on: %survey_details.creation_date% regarding this survey Requested survey does not exist Response on %response_date% Response on %responses.creation_date%] Response Submitted for %survey_name% Response submitted. Thank you. Responses to Question Return to survey administration Section %section_id% does not exist Send Mail Re: %survey_name% Survey Administration Survey Administration: Add a Question (cont.) Survey Administration: Create New Survey %survey_info.name%: New Question %survey_name%: Edit Description %survey_name%: Edit Name %survey_name%: Modify Question Text Survey Name must be 4000 characters or less Survey Name must be less than 4000 characters %survey_name%: Respondents %survey_name% responders who answered %response_text% when asked %question_text%: %survey_name%: Responses %survey_name%: Responses to Question Survey Question Not Found Survey %section_id% does not exist Survey %survey_id% does not exist Survey %survey_id% does not exist Survey: %survey_name% Here is what %user_name% had to say in response to %survey_name%: Respondent: %user_name% The Above Description is The response to %question_text% must be an integer. Your answer was %response_value%. The response to %question_text% must be a number. Your answer was %response_value%. There has been 1 response. There have been %n_responses% responses. There %isare% %n_responses% %resp% to this question. Editing a question with responses is not recommnded. No record of the original question will remain. Proceed with caution. There was an error while trying to delete the question: This is a multiple choice survey where each answer can be scored on one or more variables. This survey also allows you to execute arbitrary code (e.g. for redirects) conditional on the user's score at the end of the survey. This question has %n_responses% %response_text% that will be deleted if you continue. (Note: This can not be undone.) This survey allows you to specify the type of response required. Use this survey if you want to allow users to enter their own answers rather than choose from a list. You should also use this survey if you wish to mix question types, e.g. have multiple choice and free text answer questions in the same survey. This survey is not editable This will remove %response_count% responses to the survey index page. Users may edit their responses Users may not edit their responses Valid Responses (enter one choice per line) You did not enter a list of valid responses/choices. You did not enter a question. You didn't respond to all required sections. You skipped: You have already completed this survey Your file is zero-length. Either you attempted to upload a zero length file, a file which does not exist, or something went wrong during the transfer. Your response on %responses.pretty_submission_date% make Mean: Medium Message Subject Modify Question Modify Responses Move Down Move Up Multiple Choice multiple responses Name New Survey No No data found No Responses No surveys active non- Not Found Number One Respondent One Response One Survey: %name% oops Original paragraph Plain Text Preformatted Text Presentation Type Preview Question Question Text Questions Required? Respondents response Response Not Found Response Options: Response Submitted Response to Responses responses Return Score Scored Survey Send bulk mail Send Mail Send mail to Short Text Size Small Standard Dev Submit Submit response Summary Survey Description Survey Name: Survey Name Survey Name: %name% Surveys table Text This survey is True or False True/False Type of Response Uploaded file: View View Response View Responses: View responses View responses. Warning! Warning: Yes Yes or No Yes/No