oracle8.1.6 select CASE WHEN (to_date(:start_date,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI') - to_date(:end_date,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI')) <= 0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END from dual select cal_items.cal_item_id, 0 as n_attachments, to_char(start_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as start_date_ansi, to_char(end_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as end_date_ansi, nvl(, as name, nvl(e.description, a.description) as description, recurrence_id, cal_items.item_type_id, cal_item_types.type as item_type, on_which_calendar as calendar_id, c.calendar_name, o.creation_user, c.package_id as calendar_package_id from acs_activities a, acs_events e, timespans s, time_intervals t, cal_items, cal_item_types, calendars c, acs_objects o where e.timespan_id = s.timespan_id and s.interval_id = t.interval_id and e.activity_id = a.activity_id and e.event_id = :cal_item_id and cal_items.cal_item_id= :cal_item_id and cal_item_types.item_type_id(+)= cal_items.item_type_id and c.calendar_id = on_which_calendar and o.object_id = cal_items.cal_item_id select cal_items.cal_item_id, (select count(*) from attachments where object_id = cal_item_id) as n_attachments, to_char(start_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as start_date_ansi, to_char(end_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as end_date_ansi, nvl(, as name, nvl(e.description, a.description) as description, recurrence_id, cal_items.item_type_id, cal_item_types.type as item_type, on_which_calendar as calendar_id, c.calendar_name, o.creation_user, c.package_id as calendar_package_id from acs_activities a, acs_events e, timespans s, time_intervals t, cal_items, cal_item_types, calendars c, acs_objects o where e.timespan_id = s.timespan_id and s.interval_id = t.interval_id and e.activity_id = a.activity_id and e.event_id = :cal_item_id and cal_items.cal_item_id= :cal_item_id and cal_item_types.item_type_id(+)= cal_items.item_type_id and c.calendar_id = on_which_calendar and o.object_id = cal_items.cal_item_id begin :1 := => :interval_type, every_nth_interval => :every_n, days_of_week => :days_of_week, recur_until => to_date(:recur_until,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI')); end; begin acs_event.insert_instances(event_id => :cal_item_id); end; begin :1 := ( name => :name, description => :description, creation_user => :creation_user, creation_ip => :creation_ip ); end; begin :1 := start_date => to_date(:start_date,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI'), end_date => to_date(:end_date,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI') ); end; begin :1 := on_which_calendar => :calendar_id, name => :name, activity_id => :activity_id, timespan_id => :timespan_id, item_type_id => :item_type_id, creation_user => :creation_user, creation_ip => :creation_ip, context_id => :calendar_id ); end; begin cal_item.del ( cal_item_id => :cal_item_id ); end; begin time_interval.edit ( interval_id => :interval_id, start_date => to_date(:start_date,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI'), end_date => to_date(:end_date,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI') ); end; begin cal_item.delete_all ( recurrence_id => :recurrence_id ); end; begin acs_event.recurrence_timespan_edit ( event_id => :event_id, start_date => to_date(:start_date,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI'), end_date => to_date(:end_date,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI') ); end; update acs_events set [join $colspecs ", "] where recurrence_id= :recurrence_id and event_id in (select e.event_id from acs_events e, timespans t, time_intervals i where e.recurrence_id = :recurrence_id and t.timespan_id = e.timespan_id and i.interval_id = t.interval_id and (:edit_past_events_p = 't' or i.start_date >= :start_date) ) update cal_items set [join $colspecs ", "] where cal_item_id in (select e.event_id from acs_events e, timespans t, time_intervals i where e.recurrence_id = :recurrence_id and t.timespan_id = e.timespan_id and i.interval_id = t.interval_id and (:edit_past_events_p = 't' or i.start_date >= :start_date) ) update acs_objects set context_id = :calendar_id where object_id in (select e.event_id from acs_events e, timespans t, time_intervals i where e.recurrence_id = :recurrence_id and t.timespan_id = e.timespan_id and i.interval_id = t.interval_id and (:edit_past_events_p = 't' or i.start_date >= :start_date) )