-- -- packages/dotlrn-ecommerce/sql/postgresql/dotlrn-ecommerce-views.sql -- -- @author Tracy Adams (teadams@alum.mit.edu) -- @arch-tag: -- @cvs-id $Id: dotlrn-ecommerce-views-create.sql,v 1.11 2005/10/13 01:32:15 tracya Exp $ -- --- creating tables to be used for remote queries. -- denormalize as much as possible to make it easy for them -- categories create view dlec_view_categories as ( select title as category, category_id, parent_id, tree_id from categories, acs_objects where acs_objects.object_id = categories.category_id ); -- category tree create view dlec_view_category_trees as ( select title, tree_id from category_trees, acs_objects where acs_objects.object_id = category_trees.tree_id ); -- expenses codes create view dlec_view_expense_codes as ( select dlec_view_categories.category, dlec_view_categories.category_id from dlec_view_categories, dlec_view_category_trees where dlec_view_category_trees.title = 'Expense Codes' and dlec_view_categories.tree_id = dlec_view_category_trees.tree_id ); -- course types create view dlec_view_course_types as ( select dlec_view_categories.category, dlec_view_categories.category_id from dlec_view_categories, dlec_view_category_trees where dlec_view_category_trees.title = 'dotlrn-course_catalog' and dlec_view_categories.tree_id = dlec_view_category_trees.tree_id ); -- grade create view dlec_view_grades as ( select dlec_view_categories.category, dlec_view_categories.category_id from dlec_view_categories, dlec_view_category_trees where dlec_view_category_trees.title = 'Grades' and dlec_view_categories.tree_id = dlec_view_category_trees.tree_id ); -- patron relationships create view dlec_view_patron_relationships as ( select dlec_view_categories.category, dlec_view_categories.category_id from dlec_view_categories, dlec_view_category_trees where dlec_view_category_trees.title = 'Patron Relationships' and dlec_view_categories.tree_id = dlec_view_category_trees.tree_id ); -- terms create view dlec_view_expense_terms as ( select dlec_view_categories.category, dlec_view_categories.category_id from dlec_view_categories, dlec_view_category_trees where dlec_view_category_trees.title = 'Terms' and dlec_view_categories.tree_id = dlec_view_category_trees.tree_id ); -- locations create view dlec_view_locations as ( select dlec_view_categories.category, dlec_view_categories.category_id from dlec_view_categories, dlec_view_category_trees where dlec_view_category_trees.title = 'Location' and dlec_view_categories.tree_id = dlec_view_category_trees.tree_id ); -- scholarships_funds create view dlec_view_scholarship_funds as ( select sf.* from scholarship_fundi sf, cr_items ci where sf.revision_id = ci.live_revision ); -- users create view dlec_view_users as ( select acs_objects.*, persons.*, u.username, u.last_visit, u.second_to_last_visit, u.n_sessions from acs_objects, users u, persons where acs_objects.object_id = u.user_id and u.user_id = persons.person_id ); -- courses create view dlec_view_courses as ( select * from dotlrn_catalog, cr_items where dotlrn_catalog.course_id = cr_items.live_revision ); create view dlec_view_courses_and_categories as ( select dlec_view_courses.*, dlec_view_categories.category, dlec_view_categories.category_id from dlec_view_courses, dlec_view_categories, category_object_map where dlec_view_courses.course_id = category_object_map.object_id and dlec_view_categories.category_id = category_object_map.category_id ); -- sections create or replace view dlec_view_sections as ( select c.course_name, c.course_info, s.*, i.* from dotlrn_catalogi c, dotlrn_ecommerce_section s, cr_items i where c.item_id = s.course_id and c.course_id = i.live_revision ); -- calendars for the section create or replace view dlec_view_calendars as ( select section_id, calendars.calendar_id from acs_objects, calendars, apm_packages, dotlrn_ecommerce_section, dotlrn_communities where dotlrn_ecommerce_section.community_id = dotlrn_communities.community_id and acs_objects.context_id = dotlrn_communities.package_id and acs_objects.object_id = apm_packages.package_id and apm_packages.package_key='calendar' and calendars.package_id = apm_packages.package_id ); create or replace view dlec_view_cal_session_item_types as ( select section_id, cal_item_types.calendar_id, item_type_id from cal_item_types, dlec_view_calendars where cal_item_types.calendar_id = dlec_view_calendars.calendar_id and type = 'Session' ); create or replace view dlec_view_sessions as ( select section_id, dlec_view_cal_session_item_types.calendar_id, acs_events.event_id, start_date, end_date from dlec_view_cal_session_item_types, acs_events, cal_items, timespans, time_intervals where cal_items.cal_item_id = acs_events.event_id and cal_items.on_which_calendar = dlec_view_cal_session_item_types.calendar_id and acs_events.timespan_id = timespans.timespan_id and timespans.interval_id = time_intervals.interval_id ); create or replace view dlec_view_sessions_first as ( select min(start_date), to_date(min(start_date), 'YYYY-MM-DD') as start_date, to_char(min(start_date), 'HH24:MI') as start_time,section_id from dlec_view_sessions group by section_id ); create or replace view dlec_view_sections_with_start as ( select dlec_view_sections.*, start_date, start_time from dlec_view_sections, dlec_view_sessions_first where dlec_view_sections.section_id = dlec_view_sessions_first.section_id ); -- categories with sections create view dlec_view_sections_and_categories as ( select dlec_view_sections.*, dlec_view_categories.category, dlec_view_categories.category_id from dlec_view_sections, dlec_view_categories, category_object_map where dlec_view_sections.section_id = category_object_map.object_id and dlec_view_categories.category_id = category_object_map.category_id ); -- expenses per course create view dlec_view_course_expenses as ( select category, (select section_id from dotlrn_ecommerce_section where dotlrn_ecommerce_section.community_id =expenses.community_id) as section_id, exp_id, exp_expense, to_char(exp_date,'MM-DD-YYYY') as exp_date, exp_amount, exp_exported, package_id, community_id from expenses, category_object_map, dlec_view_expense_codes where expenses.exp_id = category_object_map.object_id and dlec_view_expense_codes.category_id = category_object_map.category_id ); -- revenue earned create view dlec_view_orders as ( select o.order_id, to_char(o.confirmed_date, 'Mon dd, yyyy hh:miam') as confirmed_date, to_char(o.confirmed_date, 'Mon dd, yyyy') as confirmed_date_only_date, o.order_state, (i.price_charged + coalesce(i.shipping_charged, 0) + coalesce(i.price_tax_charged, 0) - coalesce(i.price_refunded, 0) - coalesce(i.shipping_refunded, 0) - coalesce(i.price_tax_refunded, 0)) as price_to_display, o.user_id as purchasing_user_id, u.first_names, u.last_name, t.method, coalesce((select true where exists (select * from ec_gift_certificate_usage where order_id = o.order_id and exists (select * from scholarship_fund_grants where ec_gift_certificate_usage.gift_certificate_id = gift_certificate_id))), false) as has_scholarship_p, s.section_id as _section_id, coalesce((select course_name from dlec_view_sections where section_id = s.section_id)||': '||s.section_name, p.product_name) as _section_name, s.course_id, case when t.method = 'invoice' then ec_total_price(o.order_id) - ec_order_gift_cert_amount(o.order_id) - (select coalesce(sum(amount), 0) from dotlrn_ecommerce_transaction_invoice_payments where order_id = o.order_id) + ec_total_refund(o.order_id) else 0 end as balance, (coalesce(i.price_refunded, 0) + coalesce(i.shipping_refunded, 0) - coalesce(i.price_tax_refunded, 0)) as refund_price, (i.price_charged + coalesce(i.shipping_charged, 0) + coalesce(i.price_tax_charged, 0)) as total_price, (select to_char(refund_date, 'Mon dd, yyyy') from ec_refunds where order_id = o.order_id order by refund_date desc limit 1) as refund_date, u.first_names||' '||u.last_name as purchaser, i.item_id, deo.participant_id, case when ao.object_type = 'group' then acs_group__name(deo.participant_id) else person__name(deo.participant_id) end as participant_name, deo.checked_out_by, u.user_id as purchaser_id, (deo.checked_out_by != u.user_id) as checked_out_by_admin_p, o.authorized_date, o.confirmed_date as confirmed_date_date_column, ao.object_type from ec_orders o join ec_items i using (order_id) join ec_products p using (product_id) join dotlrn_ecommerce_orders deo using (item_id) join acs_objects ao on (deo.participant_id = ao.object_id) join dotlrn_ecommerce_transactions t using (order_id) left join dotlrn_ecommerce_section s on (i.product_id = s.product_id) left join cc_users u on (o.user_id=u.user_id) where o.order_state in ('confirmed', 'authorized', 'fulfilled', 'returned')); create view dlec_view_section_report as ( select s.*, v.maxparticipants, (v.maxparticipants - s.attendees) as available_slots, (s.attendees::float / v.maxparticipants * 100) as attendance_percentage from (select *, (select count(*) from dotlrn_member_rels_approved where community_id = s.community_id and rel_type in ('dotlrn_member_rel', 'dc_student_rel')) as attendees from dlec_view_sections s) s left join ec_custom_product_field_values v on (s.product_id = v.product_id) ); create view dlec_view_membership_orders as ( select to_char(o.authorized_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as authorized_date, p.product_name, u.user_id, u.first_names, u.last_name, u.email, a.line1 as address1, a.line2 as address2, a.city, a.usps_abbrev as state_code, a.full_state_name, a.zip_code, a.phone from ec_items i, ec_orders o, ec_products p, dotlrn_users u left join (select * from ec_addresses where address_id in (select max(address_id) from ec_addresses group by user_id)) a on (u.user_id = a.user_id) where i.order_id = o.order_id and i.product_id = p.product_id and o.user_id = u.user_id and o.order_state in ('authorized', 'fulfilled', 'returned') and i.product_id in (select product_id from ec_category_product_map where category_id = (select attr_value from apm_parameter_values where parameter_id = (select parameter_id from apm_parameters where package_key = 'dotlrn-ecommerce' and parameter_name = 'MembershipECCategoryId'))) ); -- scholarships allocated --create view dlec_view_scholarships_allocated as ( -- select person__name(user_id), to_char(grant_date, 'Month dd, yyyy hh:miam') as grant_date, grant_amount, dlec_view_scholarship_funds.fund_id, dlec_view_scholarship_funds.account_code, dlec_view_scholarship_funds.object_title -- from scholarship_fund_grants, dlec_view_scholarship_funds -- where scholarship_fund_grants.fund_id = dlec_view_scholarship_funds.fund_id -- group by person__name, grant_date, grant_amount, account_code, object_title, dotlrn_view_scholarship_funds.fund_id -- order by scholarship_fund_grants.grant_date --); -- instructors -- assistant instructors -- registrants (with patrons and participant contact) -- users and their patrons -- sessions -- attendance