-- select a group -- Action Actions Add Add a Person Add an Organization Add Condition Add Group Add Organization Add Person Add Signature Add the selected contacts to a category Add to Category Add to Group Add to Group Admin Administer Contacts Advanced Search Advanced Searches All All/Edit Answer Archive Archive the checked contacts Archived at Attribute Attribute -> Attributes Clear Clear the currently selected Category Clear the currently selected Search Comments Contact Contact -> Contact Type Contacts Create a role Create project Create role Current Delete Details Edit Email Address even Files First Names Go Group -> Groups Help Text is after -> is before -> is less than -> is more than -> is not set is set last Last Name Limit Contacts to -- Groups -- -- My Searches -- Advanced searches are very powerful but in return they require very specific input... All searches are case insensitive, capitalization does not matter. If more than one contact match the search a list of results is returned. If only one contact meets the search criteria you are redirected to that contact. %comments.pretty_date% at %comments.pretty_time% - Currently, the system is able to handle the following types of relationships: Debugging Code - Only SW Admins See This Define a new relationship type Delete the selected Contacts E-mail or Mail the selected Contacts Entering a string in the normal search box means that a search will be performed where: Existing Relationships "First Names" contains "Search_Word" or If in a normal search we search for "D Jane". The first Search_Word ("D") matches contacts 123 (via "Doe"), 234 (via "Doe"), and 345 (via "Alfred"). And the second Search_Word ("Jane") matches only contact 123. Thus only one contact meets both requirements and "Jane Doe" (contact 123) is returned. If multiple words are used then all words must match the above critera. So, for example if our contacts database contains these entries: Instance Permissions - Not done yet "Last Name" contains "Search_Word" or Last updated: %update_date% Make sure you do not add the same attribute to multiple groups of the following conditions Once ready for release this will be taken care of in code "Organization Name" contains "Search_Word" or "Party ID" equals "Search_Word" Remove from this Group The default group must have first_names and last_name for person objects and name for organization objects, both of them need email This contact is not part of any groups - this is a problem. What role does %contact_name_one% have when %contact_name_two% is a %secondary_role_pretty%: You cannot add this contact to more groups. Mail Mail Merge Mail Merge Results Make Current Make the checked contacts current mine- My Searches My Signatures Name Next (none) Normal Searches Number of Rows odd of Ordering Organization People Person PROJECT Public Page READ THESE Relationships Remove from Group Required Results: Role Roles Save Save this searc as Search Send an email message to the selected contacts Send Email Settings Show: Showing signatures Sort By Sort by Status Summary View Tasks View all roles which match Widget