%myvars; ]> Credits by Vinod Kurup Vinod Kurup put together the January 2002 version of this guide from many sources of information. Joel Aufrecht updated the document starting in March 2003. OpenACS 3.x Installation Guide Gilbert Wong's FreeBSD installation guide My own Brief OpenACS4 installation guide Acknowledgments for versions of the above documents go (in no particular order) to Bryan Quinn, Adam Farkas, Brian Stein, Doug Hoffman, Ravi Jasuja, Hiro Iwashima, Ryan Lee, Jonathan Goler, Audrey Mcloghlin, Doug Harris, Zvi Boshernitzan, Michael Yoon, Cesar Brea, Dennis Gregorovic, David Fullagar, Chris Spears, Kevin Tupper, Michael Duffy, Simon Carstensen, Dave Bauer, Tracy Adams, Greg Haverkamp, Philip Greenspun, Jin Choi, Sean Yamamoto, David Cohen, Chris Rasch, Richard Li, Jon Griffin, Roberto Mello, Gilbert Wong, Don Baccus, Ben Adida, Michael Cleverly, Janne Blonqvist, Jonathan Ellis, Janine Sisk, Jade Rubick, Chris Hardy, Jonathan Marsden, Vinod Kurup, Charles Hall, Tom Jackson and Karl Lehenbauer. Several people have helped with this document, including Torben Brosten, Don Baccus, Roberto Mello, Talli Somekh, Dave Bauer, Jim Lynch, Jon Griffin, Daryl Biberdorf, Bjorn Thor Jonsson, Jade Rubick, Fred Yankowski, Dan Chak, Sebastiano Pilla, Reuven Lerner, Malte Sussdorff, Stan Kaufman and Pascal Scheffers. All questions and comments regarding this guide should be posted on the OpenACS forums. ($Id: credits.xml,v 2003/11/17 16:38:10 jeffd Exp $)
Where did this document come from? This document was created by Vinod Kurup, but it's really just plagiarism from a number of documents that came before it. If I've used something that you've written without proper credit, let me know and I'll fix it right away. Versions 4.6.2 to present were edited by Joel Aufrecht. These are a few of my sources: ArsDigita installation guide OpenACS 3.x installation guide Gilbert Wong's FreeBSD installation guide Vinod Kurup's Brief OpenACS4 installation guide Joel Aufrecht's OpenACS 4.5 Quick Guide. Please also see the section for more acknowledgements.
Linux Install Guides Here's a list of some helpful documentation for various OS's Painless Debian GNU/Linux by Stephen van Egmond Official Debian Guide RedHat Mandrake SuSE
Security Information Once you get your OS installed, it's imperative that you secure your installation. As Jon Griffin repeatedly warns us, "No distribution is secure out of the box." The Reference Platform implements some basic precautions, but security is a process, not a condition. If you are responsible for a computer hooked to the internet, you are responsible for learning some rudiments of security, such as monitoring the state of a computer, maintaining patch levels, and keeping backups. We recommend these resources: Securing and Optimizing Linux - version 2.0 Jon Griffin's notes Linux Administrators Security Guide Installation of a Secure Webserver Bruce Schneier's Crypto-Gram, especially The security patch treadmill and Monitoring First.
Resources Here are some resources that OpenACS users have found useful.
Books Philip and Alex's Guide to Web Publishing - A very readable guide to database-backed community websites. UNIX Power Tools - An excellent introduction to the command line tools and basic programs of UNIX UNIX System Administration Handbook (formerly the "red book" - now the "purple" book) UNIX System Administrator's Bible - (LePage and Iarerra 1998; IDG) Running Linux Learning Gnu Emacs Linux in a Nutshell
Web Sites The UNIX Reference Desk The Linux Documentation Project LPI certification exam preps - A series of articles from IBM developerworks on basic and intermediate Linux skills (requires registration)