-- /webmail/sql/webmail-create.sql -- @author Jin Choi (jsc@arsdigita.com) -- @creation-date 2000-02-23 -- @cvs-id $Id: webmail-create.sql,v 1.1 2001/04/20 20:51:23 donb Exp $ -- Copyright (C) 2000 ArsDigita Corporation -- This is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU Public -- License. Full text of the license is available from the GNU Project: -- http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html -- Data model to support web based email system. -- Database user must have javasyspriv permission granted to it: -- Note that this is the default for an ACS 4.0 install -- connect system -- grant javasyspriv to ; -- ctxsys must grant EXECUTE on ctx_ddl to this Oracle user: -- connect ctxsys -- grant execute on ctx_ddl to ; create sequence wm_global_sequence; create table wm_domains ( short_name varchar(100) constraint wm_domains_short_pk primary key, full_domain_name varchar(255) constraint wm_domains_full_nn not null constraint wm_domains_full_un unique, admin_user_name varchar(100) ); comment on table wm_domains is ' Keeps track of domains webmail receives email for. '; comment on column wm_domains.short_name is ' short_name is a short unique identifier for the domain '; comment on column wm_domains.full_domain_name is ' fully qualified domain name '; create table wm_email_user_map ( user_id integer constraint wm_eum_user_id_fk references users constraint wm_eum_user_id_pk primary key, email_user_name varchar(100) constraint wm_eum_user_name_nn not null, delivery_address varchar(200) constraint wm_eum_delivery_address_nn not null, domain varchar(100) constraint wm_eum_domain_nn not null constraint wm_eum_domain_fk references wm_domains(short_name), constraint wm_eum_domain_user_un unique(domain, email_user_name) ); comment on table wm_email_user_map is ' Maps webmail accounts to ACS users. '; comment on column wm_email_user_map.email_user_name is ' The part of the email address preceding the "@" I.e. "bob" for the address "bob@nowhere.com" '; comment on column wm_email_user_map.delivery_address is ' The address that qmail will deliver to: domain_short_name||''-''||email_user_name||''@''||full_domain_name '; create table wm_mailboxes ( mailbox_id integer constraint wm_mailboxes_id_pk primary key, name varchar(50) constraint wm_mailboxes_name_nn not null, user_id constraint wm_mailboxes_user_fk references users(user_id), creation_date date, constraint wm_mailboxes_user_name_un unique(user_id, name) ); comment on table wm_mailboxes is ' maps mailboxes (folders, in more common terminology) to ACS users '; create table wm_messages ( msg_id integer constraint wm_messages_id_pk primary key, mailbox_id integer constraint wm_messages_mailbox_nn not null constraint wm_messages_mailbox_fk references wm_mailboxes(mailbox_id), body clob, mime_text clob, message_id varchar(500), msg_size integer constraint wm_messages_size_nn not null, date_value date default sysdate, subject_value varchar(150), to_value varchar(150), from_value varchar(150), seen_p char(1) default 'f' constraint wm_messages_seen_p_chk check(seen_p in ('t','f')), answered_p char(1) default 'f' constraint wm_messages_answered_p_chk check(answered_p in ('t','f')), flagged_p char(1) default 'f' constraint wm_messages_flagged_p_chk check(flagged_p in ('t','f')), deleted_p char(1) default 'f' constraint wm_messages_deleted_p_chk check(deleted_p in ('t','f')), draft_p char(1) default 'f' constraint wm_messages_draft_p_chk check(draft_p in ('t','f')), recent_p char(1) default 't' constraint wm_messages_recent_p_chk check(recent_p in ('t','f')) ); comment on table wm_messages is ' Main mail message table. Stores body of the email, along with a parsed text version with markers for attachments for MIME messages. Also stores a short version of the four headers needed for the index view as well as flags on the status of the message--this increases the performance of the index view, since we do not have to join with any other tables to get the headers and flags. '; comment on column wm_messages.mime_text is ' Parsed version of body with flags for links to attachments Empty if entire message is of type text/plain '; comment on column wm_messages.message_id is ' RFC-822 Message-id field for linking to referenced messages '; comment on column wm_messages.recent_p is ' Currently unused, but may be used to track whether a message was new since the last visit by a user (to let the user know of "new" messages (not just unread) '; -- makes the counting of read/unread per mailbox faster create index wm_messages_by_mailbox_seen on wm_messages(mailbox_id,seen_p); -- makes looking up message references faster create index wm_messages_by_message_id on wm_messages(message_id); -- makes the sort of the most common index view (sorted by date_value) go faster create index wm_messages_by_mailbox_date on wm_messages(mailbox_id, date_value); create table wm_attachments ( att_id integer constraint wm_att_att_id_pk primary key, msg_id constraint wm_att_msg_id_nn not null constraint wm_att_msg_id_fk references wm_messages(msg_id), filename varchar(600) constraint wm_att_filename_nn not null, content_type varchar(100), data blob ); comment on table wm_attachments is ' Stores attachments for MIME messages '; comment on column wm_attachments.filename is ' The filename associated with the attached file (i.e. the filename on the senders filesystem, not on the servers filesystem) '; -- Most common lookup is by msg_id and filename so we index it; also -- it indexes the foreign key constraint to allow row-level locking -- on updates to wm_messages create index wm_attachments_by_msg_id on wm_attachments(msg_id, filename); create table wm_headers ( msg_id integer constraint wm_headers_msg_id_nn not null constraint wm_headers_msg_id_fk references wm_messages(msg_id), name varchar(100) constraint wm_headers_name_nn not null, value varchar(4000), sort_order integer constraint wm_headers_sort_order_nn not null ); comment on table wm_headers is ' Stores a copy of all headers, including duplicates of the ones stored in wm_messages (Jin Choi requested this duplication for ease of integration with his IMAP server--originally, I didn't have it.) This will be the largest (in terms of rows) table in the system-- about 8 times as many rows as the wm_messages table. This is one of the reasons why I removed the four most common headers from this table. '; comment on column wm_headers.name is ' The name of the header (i.e. Cc, Bcc, Reply-To, etc.) '; comment on column wm_headers.sort_order is ' The original sort order of headers in the message. '; -- Improve lookup of a single header for a message, as well as index -- the foreign key constraint create index wm_headers_by_msg_id_name on wm_headers (msg_id, lower(name)); create table wm_parse_errors ( filename varchar(255) constraint wm_parse_errors_file_pk primary key, error_message varchar(4000), first_parse_attempt date default sysdate constraint wm_parse_errors_nn not null ); comment on table wm_parse_errors is ' Records messages that we failed to parse. '; create table wm_outgoing_messages ( outgoing_msg_id integer constraint wm_out_messages_id_pk primary key, body clob, creation_date date default sysdate constraint wm_out_messages_date_nn not null, user_id integer constraint wm_out_messages_user_nn not null constraint wm_out_messages_user_fk references users(user_id) ); comment on table wm_outgoing_messages is ' Used for storing outgoing messages (messages being composed, sent, or already sent). This table is cleaned out periodically by a scheduled proc. Note that saved drafts are not kept in this table, but are transfered to the main wm_messages table. '; -- Index the foreign key constraint to allow row-level locking on updates create index wm_outgoing_msg_by_user on wm_outgoing_messages(user_id); create table wm_outgoing_headers ( outgoing_msg_id integer constraint wm_out_headers_id_fk references wm_outgoing_messages on delete cascade, name varchar(100) constraint wm_out_headers_name_nn not null, value varchar(4000), sort_order integer, constraint wm_outgoing_headers_pk primary key (outgoing_msg_id, name) ); comment on table wm_outgoing_headers is ' Stores headers associated with the messages in wm_outgoing_messages '; create table wm_outgoing_message_parts ( outgoing_msg_id integer constraint wm_omp_id_fk references wm_outgoing_messages on delete cascade, data blob, filename varchar(600), content_type varchar(100), sort_order integer, constraint wm_omp_pk primary key (outgoing_msg_id, sort_order) ); comment on table wm_outgoing_message_parts is ' Stores outgoing attachments. '; create table wm_preferences ( user_id integer constraint wm_pref_user_id_fk references users(user_id) constraint wm_pref_user_id_pk primary key, signature VARCHAR2(1000), signature_p CHAR(1) default 'f' constraint wm_pref_signature_p_chk check(signature_p in ('t','f')), signature_html_p CHAR(1) default 'f' constraint wm_pref_sig_html_chk check(signature_html_p in ('t','f')), messages_per_page INTEGER default 50 constraint wm_pref_msg_page_nn not null, forward_address VARCHAR2(300), forward_p CHAR(1) default 'f' constraint wm_pref_forward_p_chk check(forward_p in ('t','f')), auto_save_p CHAR(1) default 't' constraint wm_pref_auto_save_p_chk check(auto_save_p in ('t','f')), confirmation_p CHAR(1) default 't' constraint wm_pref_confirm_p_chk check(confirmation_p in ('t','f')), reply_to VARCHAR2(300), from_name VARCHAR2(300), delete_move_index_p CHAR(1) default 'f' constraint wm_pref_del_move_p_chk check(delete_move_index_p in ('t','f')), client_time_zone VARCHAR2(100) default 'GMT' constraint wm_pref_time_zone_nn not null ); comment on table wm_preferences is ' Stores user preferences '; comment on column wm_preferences.signature_p is ' Should the signature be added by default? '; comment on column wm_preferences.signature_html_p is ' Does the signature contain html tags? '; comment on column wm_preferences.forward_p is ' Should we forward mail to the "foward_address?" '; comment on column wm_preferences.auto_save_p is ' Should we automatically save a copy of outgoing messages? '; comment on column wm_preferences.confirmation_p is ' Should we display a confirmation page? '; comment on column wm_preferences.delete_move_index_p is ' "t" if we should move to the index view upon delete, "f" if we should move to the next message upon delete. '; comment on column wm_preferences.client_time_zone is ' Hour offset from GMT of this user. '; -- FILTER STUFF--USED IN VIEWS create table wm_filter_views ( filter_id integer constraint wm_filter_views_id_pk primary key, user_id integer constraint wm_filter_views_user_nn not null constraint wm_filter_views_user_fk references users, mailbox_ids varchar(1000) constraint wm_filter_views_mailboxes_nn not null, name varchar(50) constraint wm_filter_views_name_nn not null, and_p char(1) default 't' constraint wm_filter_views_and_p_chk check (and_p in ('t','f')) ); comment on table wm_filter_views is ' Contains general view information '; comment on column wm_filter_views.mailbox_ids is ' Contains comma seperated list of mailboxes which the view applies to. 0 if it applies to all the user''s mailboxes. '; -- Makes it quick to look up a user's views, and also indexes the foreign key create index wm_filter_views_by_user on wm_filter_views(user_id); create table wm_filter_constraints ( id integer constraint wm_constraints_pk primary key, comp_object varchar(50) constraint wm_constraints_object_nn not null constraint wm_constraints_object_chk check (comp_object in ('subject', 'to', 'date', 'cc', 'from', 'body', 'read', 'header')), comp_type varchar(50) constraint wm_constraints_type_nn not null constraint wm_constraints_type_chk check (comp_type in ('contains','no_contain','matches', 'no_match','starts_with','ends_with', 'less_than','more_than')), comp_string varchar(100), filter_view integer constraint wm_constraints_filter_nn not null constraint wm_constraints_filter_fk references wm_filter_views on delete cascade ); comment on table wm_filter_constraints is ' This table contains "comparisons" that are applied by the filters. The comp_object is the subject of the comparison, the comp_type is the type of comparison, and the comp_string is the string that comp_object is compared to. An example would be: "subject contains comp_string" The id is not really used right now, but is provided in case it will be needed in the future. '; comment on column wm_filter_constraints.filter_view is ' The filter that this constraint is associated with. '; -- Index the foreign key create index wm_filter_constraints_by_view on wm_filter_constraints(filter_view); create or replace package webmail as procedure cleanup_outgoing_msgs; procedure process_queue ( queuedir in varchar ); procedure parse_message_from_file ( filename in varchar ); procedure reparse_message_from_db ( msg_id in number ); function parse_date ( datestr in varchar ) return date; procedure compose_message ( outgoing_msg_id in number, forward_msg_id in number ); function get_response_text ( response_msg_id in number ) return varchar; procedure empty_mailbox ( mailbox_id in integer ); procedure delete_mailbox ( mailbox_id in integer ); procedure delete_user ( v_user_id in integer ); procedure delete_domain ( v_short_name in varchar ); function response_address ( v_msg_id in integer ) return varchar; procedure filter_add_constraint ( filter_id in integer, comp_object in varchar, comp_type in varchar, comp_string in varchar ); end webmail; / show errors create or replace package body webmail as procedure cleanup_outgoing_msgs as begin delete from wm_outgoing_messages where creation_date < sysdate - 1; end; -- PL/SQL bindings for Java procedures procedure process_queue (queuedir IN VARCHAR) as language java name 'com.arsdigita.mail.MessageParser.processQueue(java.lang.String)'; -- useful for debugging procedure parse_message_from_file (filename IN VARCHAR) as language java name 'com.arsdigita.mail.MessageParser.parseMessageFromFile(java.lang.String)'; -- useful for debugging procedure reparse_message_from_db (msg_id IN NUMBER) as language java name 'com.arsdigita.mail.MessageParser.reparseMessageFromDB(int)'; function parse_date (datestr IN VARCHAR) return date as language java name 'com.arsdigita.mail.MessageParser.parseDate(java.lang.String) return java.sql.Timestamp'; procedure compose_message (outgoing_msg_id IN NUMBER, forward_msg_id IN NUMBER) as language java name 'com.arsdigita.mail.MessageComposer.composeMimeMessage(int, int)'; function get_response_text (response_msg_id IN NUMBER) return VARCHAR as language java name 'com.arsdigita.mail.MessageParser.getMsgResponseText(int) return java.lang.String'; procedure empty_mailbox (mailbox_id IN INTEGER) as begin -- delete 100 rows at a time, to avoid blowing out a rollback segment loop delete from wm_messages where mailbox_id = empty_mailbox.mailbox_id and rownum <= 100; commit; exit when sql%notfound; end loop; end; procedure delete_mailbox (mailbox_id IN INTEGER) as begin webmail.empty_mailbox(mailbox_id); delete from wm_mailboxes where wm_mailboxes.mailbox_id = delete_mailbox.mailbox_id; end; procedure delete_user (v_user_id IN INTEGER) as cursor cur is select mailbox_id from wm_mailboxes where user_id = v_user_id; begin for cur_val in cur loop delete_mailbox(cur_val.mailbox_id); end loop; delete from wm_preferences where user_id=v_user_id; delete from wm_filter_views where user_id=v_user_id; delete from wm_email_user_map where user_id=v_user_id; end; procedure delete_domain (v_short_name IN VARCHAR) as cursor cur is select user_id from wm_email_user_map where domain=v_short_name; begin for cur_val in cur loop delete_user(cur_val.user_id); commit; end loop; delete from wm_domains where short_name=v_short_name; end; -- Utility function to determine email address for a response. function response_address (v_msg_id IN integer) return VARCHAR as from_address varchar(4000); reply_to_address varchar(4000); begin begin select value into reply_to_address from wm_headers where msg_id = v_msg_id and lower(name) = 'reply-to'; return reply_to_address; exception when no_data_found then select value into from_address from wm_headers where msg_id = v_msg_id and lower(name) = 'from'; return from_address; end; end; procedure filter_add_constraint ( filter_id in integer, comp_object in varchar, comp_type in varchar, comp_string in varchar ) as begin insert into wm_filter_constraints (id, comp_object, comp_type, comp_string, filter_view) values (wm_global_sequence.nextval, comp_object, comp_type, comp_string, filter_id); end; end webmail; / show errors -- Trigger to delete subsidiary rows when a message is deleted. create or replace trigger wm_messages_delete_trigger before delete on wm_messages for each row begin delete from wm_headers where msg_id = :old.msg_id; delete from wm_attachments where msg_id = :old.msg_id; end; / show errors -- Create a job to clean up orphaned outgoing messages every day. declare job number; begin dbms_job.submit(job, 'webmail.cleanup_outgoing_msgs;', interval => 'sysdate + 1'); end; / show errors -- interMedia index on body of message create index wm_ctx_index on wm_messages (body) indextype is ctxsys.context; -- INSO filtered interMedia index for attachments. -- This may be used if you want to index attachments, but it might -- be more work for Oracle than it is worth: --create index wm_att_ctx_index on wm_attachments (data) --indextype is ctxsys.context parameters ('filter ctxsys.inso_filter'); -- Resync the interMedia index every hour. -- I originally tried scheduling a 'ctx_ddl.sync_index(''wm_ctx_index'');' -- call every hour, but had problems with the job breaking or not running. -- I have not had any problems with the following method. create or replace procedure wm_resync_indexes as begin execute immediate 'alter index wm_ctx_index rebuild online parameters(''sync'')'; -- execute immediate 'alter index wm_att_ctx_index rebuild online parameters(''sync'')'; end; / show errors declare job number; begin dbms_job.submit(job, 'wm_resync_indexes;', sysdate,'sysdate + 1/24'); end; / show errors