Static Pages Installation and Use Static Pages is installed with the APM like any other package. You must have the General Comments package installed and mounted to use Static Pages. Site-wide Search Setup One of the most useful features of this package is that it allows static pages to be searched from the Site-wide Search package. To use this function: Install the Site-wide Search package, including support for the content_revision object type. Feed the static-pages/sql/static-pages-sws.sql file to the Oracle schema belonging to your ACS installation. Try it out: scan the file system for static pages, do exec sws_service.rebuild_all_index in sqlplus to force the index to rebuild, and visit the URL where you mounted Site-wide Search. Site-wide Search performance can sometimes be enhanced by the following procedure: In Oracle, build a concatenated index on acs_contents thus: create index acs_contents_ctnt_srchable_idx on acs_contents(content_id,searchable_p); In /packages/site-wide-search/www/search.tcl, insert a hint into the database queries: set query "select /*+ INDEX(acc acs_contents_ctnt_srchable_idx) */ score(1) as rank, ... A Brief Tour of Static Pages Suppose you've got Static Pages installed and mounted at /statics/. Let's try out each of its functions. Put some static pages somewhere under your server's pageroot (typically /web/service_name/www/). This is where Static Pages will look for files. Logged in as an admin, visit /statics/admin/. The page will assert that "There are 0 static pages in the system". This is because the filesystem has not yet been scanned. Click "Scan filesystem for static pages". The server will load every *.html and *.htm file into the database, which may take some time if there are many of them. Perform the filesystem scan again and it will resynchronize the filesystem with the database, adding, updating, and removing entries from the content repository as needed. Return to the admin page and try "Change permissions". By default, users are allowed to leave comments on any static page in the system (by following the "Add a Comment" link at the bottom of the page), and the full text of the comments will be displayed one after another at the bottom of the page. These properties may be changed by toggling the settings displayed with each file. Try toggling permissions and visiting the corresponding page. You may need to reload the page for your browser to flush its cache. Back on the Commentability Designation page, notice that each directory is marked "children commentable" or "children not commentable". When new static pages are created under the directory, they will inherit this setting. Toggling this will change the settings of all descendants. At the bottom of the page is a self-explanatory form to change the settings of all files containing a given pattern.