select name as survey_name, short_name, description as survey_description, first_names || ' ' || last_name as creator_name, creation_user, creation_date, (case when enabled_p = 't' then 'Enabled' when enabled_p = 'f' then 'Disabled' end) as survey_status, enabled_p, (case when single_response_p = 't' then 'One' when single_response_p = 'f' then 'Multiple' end) as survey_response_limit, (case when single_editable_p = 't' then 'Editable' when single_editable_p = 'f' then 'Non-editable' end) as survey_editable_single, type from survsimp_surveys, acs_objects, persons where object_id = survey_id and person_id = creation_user and survey_id = :survey_id select question_id, sort_key, active_p, required_p from survsimp_questions where survey_id = :survey_id order by sort_key