select eg.grade_plural_name as grade_name, eg.grade_id
from evaluation_grades eg, acs_objects ao, cr_items cri
where cri.live_revision = eg.grade_id
and eg.grade_item_id = ao.object_id
and ao.context_id = :ev_package_id
order by grade_plural_name desc
select c.category_id as category_id from categories c, category_translations ct
where parent_id is null
and tree_id = :tree_id
and c.category_id = ct.category_id
and locale = :locale
order by name
select o.*, ao.title as name
from (select distinct object_id
from blocks_objects
where $blocks_clause) o,
acs_objects ao
where o.object_id = ao.object_id
and ao.object_type = :object_type
select o.*, cr.title as name
from (select distinct object_id
from blocks_objects
where $blocks_clause) o,
cr_revisions cr
where item_id = o.object_id
and (select content_type
from cr_items
where item_id = o.object_id) = :object_type
and revision_id = (select coalesce(live_revision, latest_revision)
from cr_items where item_id = o.object_id)
select o.*, ev.task_name as name
from (select distinct object_id
from blocks_objects
where $blocks_clause) o,
evaluation_tasksi ev
where task_item_id = o.object_id
and (select content_type
from cr_items
where item_id = o.object_id) = :object_type
and revision_id = (select coalesce(live_revision, latest_revision)
from cr_items where item_id = o.object_id)
select o.*, cr.pretty_name as name
from (select distinct object_id
from blocks_objects
where $blocks_clause) o,
chat_rooms cr
where o.object_id = cr.room_id
and (select object_type
from acs_objects
where object_id = o.object_id) = :object_type
select o.*, cre.label as name
from (select distinct object_id
from blocks_objects
where $blocks_clause) o,
cr_extlinks cre
where o.object_id = cre.extlink_id
select block_id
from blocks_blocks
where community_id = :community_id
and block_index <= (
select number_of_blocks
from blocks_course_mode
where community_id = :community_id )