postgresql7.1 select aggregator_name, description as aggregator_description, public_p from na_aggregators where aggregator_id = :aggregator_id select s.source_id,, s.description, s.title, to_char(i.creation_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as last_scanned, to_char(i.creation_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24') as sort_date, s.feed_url, i.item_id, i.title as item_title, as item_link, i.description as item_description, i.content_encoded, i.guid as item_guid, i.original_guid as item_original_guid, i.permalink_p as item_permalink_p, s.last_modified from ( na_aggregators a join na_subscriptions su on (a.aggregator_id = su.aggregator_id) ) join na_items i on (su.source_id = i.source_id) join na_sources s on (i.source_id = s.source_id) where a.package_id = :package_id and a.aggregator_id = :aggregator_id $items_purges order by i.item_id desc limit $sql_limit and ((i.item_id > coalesce(a.aggregator_bottom, 0)) or (i.item_id in (select item_id from na_saved_items where aggregator_id = :aggregator_id))) select email, person__name(party_id) as person_name, to_char(o.creation_date, 'Dy, DD Mon YYYY HH24:MI:SS TZ') as creation_date, to_char(o.creation_date, 'Dy, DD Mon YYYY HH24:MI:SS TZ') as modified_date from na_aggregators a, parties p, acs_objects o where a.aggregator_id = o.object_id and a.maintainer_id = p.party_id and a.aggregator_id = :aggregator_id select feed_url, link, title, description from na_sources s, na_subscriptions su where s.source_id = su.source_id and su.aggregator_id = :aggregator_id order by lower(title) select count(purge_id) from na_purges where aggregator_id = :aggregator_id select max(top) as max_top, min(bottom) as min_bottom, nextval('na_purges_seq') as purge_id from na_purges where aggregator_id = :aggregator_id update na_aggregators set aggregator_bottom = :aggregator_bottom where aggregator_id = :aggregator_id delete from na_purges where aggregator_id = :aggregator_id insert into na_purges (purge_id, top, bottom, aggregator_id, purge_date) values (:purge_id, :top, :bottom, :aggregator_id, now()) insert into na_user_preferences (user_id, default_aggregator) values (:user_id, :aggregator_id) update na_user_preferences set default_aggregator = :aggregator_id where user_id = :user_id select default_aggregator from na_user_preferences where user_id = :user_id select min(object_id) as aggregator_id from acs_objects where object_type = 'na_aggregator' and creation_user = :user_id select na_aggregator__delete ( :aggregator_id ); select na_aggregator__new ( null, :aggregator_name, :description, :package_id, :public_p, :creation_user, :creation_ip ) update na_aggregators set aggregator_name = :aggregator_name, description = :description, public_p = :public_p where aggregator_id = :aggregator_id