-- -- -- -- @author Derick Leony (derick@inv.it.uc3m.es) -- @creation-date 2008-12-16 -- @arch-tag: /bin/bash: uuidgen: command not found -- @cvs-id $Id: upgrade-1.5d-1.6d.sql,v 1.1 2009/02/18 18:54:48 derickl Exp $ -- alter table imsld_imslds add column resource_handler varchar(100); comment on column imsld_imslds.resource_handler is ' Indicates which package is used to handle the resource objects for the UoL (file-storage or xowiki).'; update imsld_imslds set resource_handler = 'file-storage'; alter table imsld_imslds alter column resource_handler set not null;