@title;noquote@ @context;noquote@


Your Current Settings


Change Your Settings

All prices are in @currency@. The price should be written as a decimal number (no special characters like \$). If a section is not applicable, just leave it blank.

We recommend reading some examples before you fill in this form.

  1. Set the Base Cost: The Base Cost is the base amount that everybody has to pay regardless of what they purchase. Then additional amounts are added, as specified below.
  2. Set the Per-Item Cost: If the "Shipping Price" field of a product is filled in, that will override any of the settings below. Also, you can fill in the "Shipping Price - Additional" field if you want to charge the customer a lower shipping amount if they order more than one of the same product. (If "Shipping Price - Additional" is blank, they'll just be charged "Shipping Price" for each item).
      If the "Shipping Price" field is blank, charge them by one of these methods (fill in only one):
    • Default Amount Per Item:
    • Weight Charge: @currency@ / @weight_unit@
  3. Set the Express Shipping Charges: Ignore this section if you do not do express shipping. The amounts you specify below will be added to the amounts you set above if the user elects to have their order express shipped.
    • Additional Base Cost:
    • Additional Amount Per Item:
  4. Additional Amount by Weight: @currency@ / @weight_unit@

Audit Trail