-- -- The Categories Package -- -- @author Timo Hentschel (thentschel@sussdorff-roy.com) -- @creation-date 2003-04-16 -- -- This should eventually be added to the acs-service-contract installation files declare v_id integer; begin v_id := acs_sc_contract.new( contract_name => 'AcsObject', contract_desc => 'Acs Object Id Handler' ); v_id := acs_sc_msg_type.new( msg_type_name => 'AcsObject.PageUrl.InputType', msg_type_spec => 'object_id:integer' ); v_id := acs_sc_msg_type.new( msg_type_name => 'AcsObject.PageUrl.OutputType', msg_type_spec => 'page_url:string' ); v_id := acs_sc_operation.new( contract_name => 'AcsObject', operation_name => 'PageUrl', operation_desc => 'Returns the package specific url to a page that displays an object', operation_iscachable_p => 'f', operation_nargs => 1, operation_inputtype => 'AcsObject.PageUrl.InputType', operation_outputtype => 'AcsObject.PageUrl.OutputType' ); end; / show errors -- there should be an implementation of this contract -- for apm_package, user, group and other object types -- this should eventually be added to acs-kernel create table acs_named_objects ( object_id integer not null constraint acs_named_objs_pk primary key constraint acs_named_objs_object_id_fk references acs_objects(object_id) on delete cascade, object_name varchar2(200), package_id integer constraint acs_named_objs_package_id_fk references apm_packages(package_id) on delete cascade ); create index acs_named_objs_name_ix on acs_named_objects (substr(upper(object_name),1,1)); create index acs_named_objs_package_ix on acs_named_objects(package_id); begin acs_object_type.create_type ( supertype => 'acs_object', object_type => 'acs_named_object', pretty_name => 'Named Object', pretty_plural => 'Named Objects', table_name => 'acs_named_objects', id_column => 'object_id' ); end; / show errors