-- -- packages/adserver/sql/adserver-create.sql -- -- @author jerry@hollyjerry.org -- @creation-date 2000-10-15 -- @cvs-id $Id: adserver-create.sql,v 1.1 2002/01/30 11:27:38 roelc Exp $ -- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -- DEFINE TABLES ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -- a table of advertisements create table advs ( adv_key varchar(200) primary key, -- this is useful for integrating with -- third-party ad products and services local_image_p char(1) default 't' constraint advs_local_img_p check (local_image_p in ('t','f')), -- 't' indicates that target_url contains lots of html and -- this ad should not get wrapped in the clickthrough counter. -- This is useful for doubleclick, etc. where they've got -- javascript and other nonsense wrapping the ad track_clickthru_p char(1) default 't' constraint advs_trk_clk_p check (track_clickthru_p in ('t','f')), -- a stub, relative to [ns_info pageroot] if local_image_p, or -- a url if !local_image_p adv_filename varchar(200), target_url varchar(4000), adv_number integer default null ); -- **** move the unique index into a separate tablespace -- constraint adv_log_u unique (adv_key,entry_date) -- using index tablespace photonet_index create table adv_log ( adv_key varchar(200) not null references advs on delete cascade, entry_date date not null, display_count integer default 0, click_count integer default 0, unique(adv_key,entry_date) ); -- for publishers who want to get fancy create table adv_user_map ( user_id integer references users on delete cascade, adv_key varchar(200) references advs on delete cascade, event_time date not null, -- will generally be 'd' (displayed) 'c' (clicked through) event_type char(1) ); create index adv_user_map_idx on adv_user_map(user_id); /* -- commented out until ACS 4 categories gets developed. -- for publishers who want to get really fancy create table adv_categories ( adv_key not null references advs on delete cascade, category_id integer not null references categories on delete cascade, unique(adv_key, category_id) ); */ -- a table of advertisement properties, namely keeping the -- track of the number of ads in the database create table advs_properties ( adv_count integer ); insert into advs_properties values (0); -- a table of adnumbers that have been deleted and that -- have yet to be reflected in the adv_count create table advs_swaps ( swap integer ); -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -- stuff built on top of the raw ad server layer -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -- this is for publishers who want to rotate ads within a group -- any ad can be a member of one or more adv_groups -- this table lists each ad group (something like 'sports ads', -- or 'pokemon ads', or 'XXX ads') and this table keeps -- track of the number of ads in each group create table adv_groups ( group_key varchar(30) not null primary key, pretty_name varchar(50), adv_count integer default(0), -- number of advs in group -- need to define some rotation methods -- sequential: show the ads to THAT user -- in the order specified in adv_group_map -- least-exposure-first: show the ad that has been shown the -- least number of times that day; random: show a random ad rotation_method char(35) default 'sequential' constraint ad_grp_rotation_method check (rotation_method in ( 'sequential', 'least-exposure-first', 'random')) ); -- a relationship: this ad is in this group and has this adnumber. -- Is there an oracle bug here? -- if the second on delete cascade is present, then when this -- script is sourced, if you type -- delete from advs -- then your Oracle session will crash: -- delete from advs -- * -- ERROR at line 1: -- ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel create table adv_group_map ( group_key varchar(30) not null references adv_groups on delete cascade, -- ORACLE BUG NOTE: why is this on delete cascade bad? -- to see the oracle bug, comment out the line with the comma, -- and uncomment the on delete cascade line adv_key varchar(200) not null references advs , -- on delete cascade, adv_group_number integer default null, primary key (group_key,adv_key) ); -- a table of ads that were deleted from a group and has yet -- to be reflected in that groups adv_count. create table adv_group_swaps ( group_key varchar(30) not null references adv_groups on delete cascade, swap integer ); -- This view is used to select ads for display based on the current -- days impression count create view advs_todays_log AS SELECT * FROM adv_log WHERE entry_date = current_date; -- insert into advs ( -- adv_key, local_image_p, track_clickthru_p, adv_filename, target_url -- ) values ( -- 'ArsDigita', 't', 't', 'arsdigita.gif', 'http://www.arsdigita.com' -- ); commit; -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -- TRIGGERS TO MAINTAIN AD COUNT FOR ALL ADS -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- /* I have several triggers defined to help me maintain the adv_count of all ads. I need two triggers and the advs_swaps to get around the mutating advs table; Some of this code and it's model is discussed here http://www.arsdigita.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=000KZ0&topic_id=web%2fdb&topic= On insert, we find the current adv_count for all ads and use that for the adv_number, and then we increment the adv_count. On deletions, two triggers run: a row trigger inserts adv_number of the ad being deleted into the advs_swaps table. When all the row triggers are done, a statement trigger sweeps over all the numbers to be in the advs_swaps table and for each number it finds there, it finds the entry with the highest adv_number and changes adv_number to be the number in the swap table. Having done that it deletes the row in the swap table. And repeats for the next row. Here's the insertion of a new ad trigger: */ -- trigger to insert an advertisement and -- automatically determine/maintain the highest -- advertisement number create function advs_count_bfr_insert_fun() returns opaque as ' declare top integer; begin -- advs_properties is guaranteed to exist select adv_count into top from advs_properties; -- for update; new.adv_number := top; update advs_properties set adv_count = adv_count + 1; return new; end; ' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger advs_count_bfr_insert before insert on advs for each row execute procedure advs_count_bfr_insert_fun(); -- row level trigger to "save" an intermediate -- adnumber to be swapped for the "high" adnumber. -- for each row to be deleted do: create function advs_count_afr_del_row_fun() returns opaque as ' begin insert into advs_swaps values (old.adv_number); return new; end; ' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger advs_count_afr_del_row after delete on advs for each row execute procedure advs_count_afr_del_row_fun(); -- statement level trigger to perform the swaps. create function advs_count_afr_del_fun() returns opaque as ' declare next integer; s record; begin -- find the highest numbered ad -- advs_properties is guaranteed to exist. select adv_count into next from advs_properties; -- for update; -- do I need the for update? -- for each adnumber to be swapped do for s in select swap from advs_swaps order by swap desc loop -- find the ad that has that number and renumber it update advs set adv_number = s.swap where adv_number = next - 1; -- delete the row delete from advs_swaps where swap = s.swap; next := next - 1; end loop; -- update the highest number update advs_properties set adv_count = next; return new; end; ' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger advs_count_afr_del after delete on advs for each row execute procedure advs_count_afr_del_fun(); -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -- TRIGGERS TO MAINTAIN AD COUNT FOR GROUPED ADS -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- /* I have several triggers defined to help me maintain the adv_group_number. I need two triggers and the adv_group_swap to get around the mutating adv_group_map table; On insert, we find the current adv_count for that group and use that for the adv_group_number, and then we increment the adv_count. On deletions, two triggers run: a row trigger inserts adv_group_number of the ad being deleted into the adv_group_swap table. When all the row triggers are done, a statement trigger sweeps over all the numbers to be in the adv_group_swaps table and for each number it finds there, it finds the entry with the highest adv_group_number in the adv_group_map table (for the same group) and changes adv_group_number to be the number in the swap table. Having done that it deletes the row in the swap table. And repeats for the next row. Here's the insertion of a new ad into a group trigger: */ create function adv_group_count_bfr_insert_fun() returns opaque as ' declare top integer; begin select adv_count into top from adv_groups where group_key = new.group_key; -- for update; new.adv_group_number := top; update adv_groups set adv_count = adv_count + 1 where group_key = new.group_key; return new; end; ' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger adv_group_count_bfr_insert before insert on adv_group_map for each row execute procedure adv_group_count_bfr_insert_fun(); /* And here are the two triggers that maintain the top count after a row is deleted: */ create function adv_group_count_afr_del_row_fun() returns opaque as ' begin update adv_group_map set adv_group_number=adv_group_number-1 where adv_group_number>old.adv_group_number and group_key=old.group_key; update adv_groups set adv_count=adv_count-1 where group_key=old.group_key; return new; end; ' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger adv_group_count_afr_del_row after delete on adv_group_map for each row execute procedure adv_group_count_afr_del_row_fun(); insert into advs (adv_key, local_image_p, track_clickthru_p, adv_filename, target_url) values ('ArsDigita', 't', 't', 'arsdigita.gif', 'http://www.arsdigita.com'); insert into advs (adv_key, local_image_p, track_clickthru_p, adv_filename, target_url) values ('SemiZone', 't', 't', 'semizone_ad.gif', 'http://www.semizone.com'); insert into advs (adv_key, local_image_p, track_clickthru_p, adv_filename, target_url) values ('Stanford', 't', 't', 'stanford_ad.gif', 'http://www.stanford.com'); /* -- test cases delete from advs; delete from advs_properties; delete from advs_swaps; insert into advs_properties values (0); insert into advs values('a', 't', 't', 'abc', 'http://abc',null); insert into advs values('b', 't', 't', 'abc', 'http://abc',null); insert into advs values('c', 't', 't', 'abc', 'http://abc',null); insert into advs values('d', 't', 't', 'abc', 'http://abc',null); insert into advs values('e', 't', 't', 'abc', 'http://abc',null); insert into advs values('f', 't', 't', 'abc', 'http://abc',null); insert into advs values('g', 't', 't', 'abc', 'http://abc',null); insert into advs values('h', 't', 't', 'abc', 'http://abc',null); insert into advs values('i', 't', 't', 'abc', 'http://abc',null); insert into advs values('j', 't', 't', 'abc', 'http://abc',null); insert into advs values('k', 't', 't', 'abc', 'http://abc',null); insert into advs values('l', 't', 't', 'abc', 'http://abc',null); insert into advs values('m', 't', 't', 'abc', 'http://abc',null); insert into advs values('n', 't', 't', 'abc', 'http://abc',null); insert into advs values('o', 't', 't', 'abc', 'http://abc',null); insert into advs values('p', 't', 't', 'abc', 'http://abc',null); insert into advs values('q', 't', 't', 'abc', 'http://abc',null); insert into advs values('r', 't', 't', 'abc', 'http://abc',null); insert into advs values('s', 't', 't', 'abc', 'http://abc',null); insert into advs values('t', 't', 't', 'abc', 'http://abc',null); insert into advs values('u', 't', 't', 'abc', 'http://abc',null); insert into advs values('v', 't', 't', 'abc', 'http://abc',null); insert into advs values('w', 't', 't', 'abc', 'http://abc',null); insert into advs values('x', 't', 't', 'abc', 'http://abc',null); insert into advs values('y', 't', 't', 'abc', 'http://abc',null); insert into advs values('z', 't', 't', 'abc', 'http://abc',null); select adv_key, adv_number, adv_count from advs, advs_properties; delete from adv_groups; delete from adv_group_map; delete from adv_group_swaps; insert into adv_groups (group_key, pretty_name, adv_count) values('aaa', 'aaa', 0); insert into adv_groups (group_key, pretty_name, adv_count) values('bbb', 'bbb', 0); insert into adv_groups (group_key, pretty_name, adv_count) values('ccc', 'ccc', 0); insert into adv_groups (group_key, pretty_name, adv_count) values('ddd', 'ddd', 0); insert into adv_group_map (group_key, adv_key) values('aaa', 'a'); insert into adv_group_map (group_key, adv_key) values('aaa', 'b'); insert into adv_group_map (group_key, adv_key) values('aaa', 'c'); insert into adv_group_map (group_key, adv_key) values('aaa', 'd'); insert into adv_group_map (group_key, adv_key) values('aaa', 'e'); insert into adv_group_map (group_key, adv_key) values('aaa', 'f'); insert into adv_group_map (group_key, adv_key) values('aaa', 'g'); insert into adv_group_map (group_key, adv_key) values('aaa', 'h'); insert into adv_group_map (group_key, adv_key) values('aaa', 'i'); insert into adv_group_map (group_key, adv_key) values('aaa', 'j'); insert into adv_group_map (group_key, adv_key) values('aaa', 'k'); insert into adv_group_map (group_key, adv_key) values('aaa', 'l'); insert into adv_group_map (group_key, adv_key) values('bbb', 'm'); insert into adv_group_map (group_key, adv_key) values('bbb', 'n'); insert into adv_group_map (group_key, adv_key) values('bbb', 'o'); insert into adv_group_map (group_key, adv_key) values('bbb', 'p'); insert into adv_group_map (group_key, adv_key) values('bbb', 'q'); insert into adv_group_map (group_key, adv_key) values('bbb', 'r'); insert into adv_group_map (group_key, adv_key) values('aaa', 's'); insert into adv_group_map (group_key, adv_key) values('ccc', 't'); insert into adv_group_map (group_key, adv_key) values('ccc', 'u'); insert into adv_group_map (group_key, adv_key) values('ccc', 'v'); insert into adv_group_map (group_key, adv_key) values('ccc', 'w'); insert into adv_group_map (group_key, adv_key) values('ddd', 'x'); insert into adv_group_map (group_key, adv_key) values('ddd', 'y'); insert into adv_group_map (group_key, adv_key) values('ddd', 'z'); commit; */