-- Callbacks create table apm_package_callbacks ( version_id integer constraint apm_package_callbacks_vid_fk references apm_package_versions(version_id) on delete cascade, type varchar(40), proc varchar(300), constraint apm_package_callbacks_vt_un unique (version_id, type) ); comment on table apm_package_callbacks is ' This table holds names of Tcl procedures to invoke at the time (before or after) the package is installed, instantiated, or mounted. '; comment on column apm_package_callbacks.proc is ' Name of the Tcl proc. '; comment on column apm_package_callbacks.type is ' Indicates when the callback proc should be invoked, for example after-install. Valid values are given by the Tcl proc apm_supported_callback_types. '; -- Auto-mount alter table apm_package_versions add auto_mount varchar(50); comment on column apm_package_versions.auto_mount is ' A dir under the main site site node where an instance of the package will be mounted automatically upon installation. Useful for site-wide services that need mounting such as general-comments and notifications. ';