-- Object type declarations to support content repository of the -- ArsDigita Community System -- Copyright (C) 1999-2000 ArsDigita Corporation -- Author: Karl Goldstein (karlg@arsdigita.com) -- $Id: types-create.sql,v 1.1 2001/03/24 22:00:48 danw Exp $ -- This is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU Public -- License. Full text of the license is available from the GNU Project: -- http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html -- Define content items. Also the supertype for folders, symlinks and extlinks. declare attr_id acs_attributes.attribute_id%TYPE; begin acs_object_type.create_type ( supertype => 'acs_object', object_type => 'content_item', pretty_name => 'Content Item', pretty_plural => 'Content Items', table_name => 'cr_items', id_column => 'item_id', name_method => 'content_item.get_title' ); attr_id := acs_attribute.create_attribute ( object_type => 'content_item', attribute_name => 'name', datatype => 'keyword', pretty_name => 'Name', pretty_plural => 'Names' ); attr_id := acs_attribute.create_attribute ( object_type => 'content_item', attribute_name => 'locale', datatype => 'keyword', pretty_name => 'Locale', pretty_plural => 'Locales' ); attr_id := acs_attribute.create_attribute ( object_type => 'content_item', attribute_name => 'live_revision', datatype => 'integer', pretty_name => 'Live Revision', pretty_plural => 'Live Revisions' ); end; / show errors -- Define content folders. A folder is equivalent to a directory in -- the file system. It is used for grouping content items that have -- public URL's. declare attr_id acs_attributes.attribute_id%TYPE; begin acs_object_type.create_type ( supertype => 'content_item', object_type => 'content_folder', pretty_name => 'Content Folder', pretty_plural => 'Content Folders', table_name => 'cr_folders', id_column => 'folder_id', name_method => 'content_folder.get_label' ); attr_id := acs_attribute.create_attribute ( object_type => 'content_folder', attribute_name => 'label', datatype => 'string', pretty_name => 'Label', pretty_plural => 'Labels' ); attr_id := acs_attribute.create_attribute ( object_type => 'content_folder', attribute_name => 'description', datatype => 'string', pretty_name => 'Description', pretty_plural => 'Descriptions' ); end; / show errors -- Define content keywords declare attr_id acs_attributes.attribute_id%TYPE; begin acs_object_type.create_type ( supertype => 'acs_object', object_type => 'content_keyword', pretty_name => 'Content Keyword', pretty_plural => 'Content Keywords', table_name => 'cr_keywords', id_column => 'keyword_id', name_method => 'acs_object.default_name' ); attr_id := acs_attribute.create_attribute ( object_type => 'content_keyword', attribute_name => 'heading', datatype => 'string', pretty_name => 'Heading', pretty_plural => 'Headings' ); attr_id := acs_attribute.create_attribute ( object_type => 'content_keyword', attribute_name => 'description', datatype => 'string', pretty_name => 'Description', pretty_plural => 'Descriptions' ); end; / show errors -- Symlinks are represented by a subclass of content_item (content_link) -- Each symlink thus has a row in the acs_objects table. Each symlink -- also has a row in the cr_items table. The name column for the symlink -- is the name that appears in the path to the symlink. declare attr_id integer; begin acs_object_type.create_type ( supertype => 'content_item', object_type => 'content_symlink', pretty_name => 'Content Symlink', pretty_plural => 'Content Symlinks', table_name => 'cr_symlinks', id_column => 'symlink_id', name_method => 'acs_object.default_name' ); attr_id := acs_attribute.create_attribute ( object_type => 'content_symlink', attribute_name => 'target_id', datatype => 'integer', pretty_name => 'Target ID', pretty_plural => 'Target IDs' ); end; / show errors -- Extlinks are links to external content (offsite URL's) declare attr_id integer; begin acs_object_type.create_type ( supertype => 'content_item', object_type => 'content_extlink', pretty_name => 'External Link', pretty_plural => 'External Links', table_name => 'cr_extlinks', id_column => 'extlink_id', name_method => 'acs_object.default_name' ); attr_id := acs_attribute.create_attribute ( object_type => 'content_extlink', attribute_name => 'url', datatype => 'text', pretty_name => 'URL', pretty_plural => 'URLs' ); attr_id := acs_attribute.create_attribute ( object_type => 'content_extlink', attribute_name => 'label', datatype => 'text', pretty_name => 'Label', pretty_plural => 'Labels' ); attr_id := acs_attribute.create_attribute ( object_type => 'content_extlink', attribute_name => 'description', datatype => 'text', pretty_name => 'Description', pretty_plural => 'Descriptions' ); end; / show errors -- Define content templates. begin acs_object_type.create_type ( supertype => 'content_item', object_type => 'content_template', pretty_name => 'Content Template', pretty_plural => 'Content Templates', table_name => 'cr_templates', id_column => 'template_id', name_method => 'acs_object.default_name' ); end; / show errors -- Define content revisions, children of content items declare attr_id acs_attributes.attribute_id%TYPE; begin content_type.create_type ( supertype => 'acs_object', content_type => 'content_revision', pretty_name => 'Basic Item', pretty_plural => 'Basic Items', table_name => 'cr_revisions', id_column => 'revision_id' ); attr_id := content_type.create_attribute ( content_type => 'content_revision', attribute_name => 'title', datatype => 'text', pretty_name => 'Title', pretty_plural => 'Titles', sort_order => 1 ); attr_id := content_type.create_attribute ( content_type => 'content_revision', attribute_name => 'description', datatype => 'text', pretty_name => 'Description', pretty_plural => 'Descriptions', sort_order => 2 ); attr_id := content_type.create_attribute ( content_type => 'content_revision', attribute_name => 'publish_date', datatype => 'date', pretty_name => 'Publish Date', pretty_plural => 'Publish Dates', sort_order => 3 ); attr_id := content_type.create_attribute ( content_type => 'content_revision', attribute_name => 'mime_type', datatype => 'text', pretty_name => 'Mime Type', pretty_plural => 'Mime Types', sort_order => 4 ); attr_id := content_type.create_attribute ( content_type => 'content_revision', attribute_name => 'nls_language', datatype => 'text', pretty_name => 'Language', pretty_plural => 'Language' ); end; / show errors -- Declare standard relationships with children and other items declare attr_id acs_attributes.attribute_id%TYPE; begin acs_object_type.create_type ( supertype => 'acs_object', object_type => 'cr_item_child_rel', pretty_name => 'Child Item', pretty_plural => 'Child Items', table_name => 'cr_child_rels', id_column => 'rel_id', name_method => 'acs_object.default_name' ); attr_id := acs_attribute.create_attribute ( object_type => 'cr_item_child_rel', attribute_name => 'parent_id', datatype => 'text', pretty_name => 'Parent ID', pretty_plural => 'Parent IDs' ); attr_id := acs_attribute.create_attribute ( object_type => 'cr_item_child_rel', attribute_name => 'child_id', datatype => 'text', pretty_name => 'Child ID', pretty_plural => 'Child IDs' ); attr_id := acs_attribute.create_attribute ( object_type => 'cr_item_child_rel', attribute_name => 'relation_tag', datatype => 'text', pretty_name => 'Relationship Tag', pretty_plural => 'Relationship Tags' ); attr_id := acs_attribute.create_attribute ( object_type => 'cr_item_child_rel', attribute_name => 'order_n', datatype => 'text', pretty_name => 'Sort Order', pretty_plural => 'Sort Orders' ); acs_object_type.create_type ( supertype => 'acs_object', object_type => 'cr_item_rel', pretty_name => 'Item Relationship', pretty_plural => 'Item Relationships', table_name => 'cr_item_rels', id_column => 'rel_id', name_method => 'acs_object.default_name' ); attr_id := acs_attribute.create_attribute ( object_type => 'cr_item_rel', attribute_name => 'item_id', datatype => 'text', pretty_name => 'Item ID', pretty_plural => 'Item IDs' ); attr_id := acs_attribute.create_attribute ( object_type => 'cr_item_rel', attribute_name => 'related_object_id', datatype => 'text', pretty_name => 'Related Object ID', pretty_plural => 'Related Object IDs' ); attr_id := acs_attribute.create_attribute ( object_type => 'cr_item_rel', attribute_name => 'relation_tag', datatype => 'text', pretty_name => 'Relationship Tag', pretty_plural => 'Relationship Tags' ); attr_id := acs_attribute.create_attribute ( object_type => 'cr_item_rel', attribute_name => 'order_n', datatype => 'text', pretty_name => 'Sort Order', pretty_plural => 'Sort Orders' ); end; / show errors -- Refresh the attribute views prompt *** Refreshing content type attribute views... begin for type_rec in (select object_type from acs_object_types connect by supertype = prior object_type start with object_type = 'content_revision') loop content_type.refresh_view(type_rec.object_type); end loop; end; /