ACS Contents

Karl GoldStein, John Prevost, Khy Huang

I. Introduction

This document explains the requirements for the ACS Contents package. It details the rationale and use cases for this system.

II. Vision Statement

The ACS Contents package provides a centralized repository for application data. By storing data in a central location, sub-systems/applications can apply a general function on all content associated with the site. For example, the Site Wide Search subsystem can take advantage of this facility to query all data for search keywords. The ACS Contents package also stores two important attributes of content: format and language. These attributes provide information useful in determining how to manipulate and display the content.

III. System Overview

The ACS Contents package just provides a table that stores the content, format, and language for ACS objects.

IV. Use-cases and User-scenarios

[to be filled in]

V. Related Links

[to be filled in]

VI.A Requirements: Storage

20.10 ACS Object Content

20.10.10 Storage allows any type of information (text, binary, ...)

20.10.20 Storage maintains format and language information

20.10.30 Storage specifies whether the content is searchable (i.e., whether the content is "live").

VI.B Requirements: Store API

Procedures to update the appliction content properties.

20.20.10 Update language

20.20.20 Update format

20.20.30 Update searchable

VII. Revision History

Document Revision # Action Taken, Notes When? By Whom?
0.1 Creation 2000/11/26 Khy Huang
0.2 Revision 2000/12/08 Joshua Finkler

Last modified: $Id: requirements.html,v 2000/11/27 21:12:41 khy Exp $