declare impl_id integer; v_foo integer; begin -- the notification type impl impl_id := ( 'NotificationType', 'fs_fs_notif_type', 'file_storage', 'file_storage' ); v_foo := acs_sc_impl.new_alias ( 'NotificationType', 'fs_fs_notif_type', 'GetURL', 'fs::notification::get_url', 'TCL' ); v_foo := acs_sc_impl.new_alias ( 'NotificationType', 'fs_fs_notif_type', 'ProcessReply', 'fs::notification::process_reply', 'TCL' ); ( contract_name => 'NotificationType', impl_name => 'fs_fs_notif_type' ); v_foo:= ( short_name => 'fs_fs_notif', sc_impl_id => impl_id, pretty_name => 'File-Storage Notification', description => 'Notifications for File Storage', creation_user => NULL, creation_ip => NULL ); -- enable the various intervals and delivery methods insert into notification_types_intervals (type_id, interval_id) select v_foo, interval_id from notification_intervals where name in ('instant','hourly','daily'); insert into notification_types_del_methods (type_id, delivery_method_id) select v_foo, delivery_method_id from notification_delivery_methods where short_name in ('email'); end; / show errors