-- -- packages/site-wide-search/sql/intermedia-setup.sql -- -- @author khy@arsdigita.com -- @creation-date 2000-11-24 -- @cvs-id $Id: intermedia-setup.sql,v 2001/04/20 20:51:24 donb Exp $ -- -- -------------- !!!!!!!!! EXECUTE IN CTXSYS SCHEMA !!!!!!!!!!! -------------------- -- Notes: Run this script only once for a database, not per ACS Installation. -- Errors can be ignore if this is not the first time the script was run -- under the ctxsys schema. create sequence sws_procedures_sequence start with 1; -- Notes: The user must have 'create procedure' permission explicitly in order for -- dynamic procedure creation calls to work. In Oracle procedures and functions, -- roles are disabled. Also the ctxsys user must have the permission to -- create procedures. create table sws_procedures ( procedure_id integer constraint sws_proc_proc_id_pk primary key, schema varchar2(30) constraint sws_proc_schema_nn not null, procedure_name varchar2(20) constraint sws_proc_proc_name_nn not null, actual_procedure_name varchar2(30) constraint sws_proc_act_proc_name_nn not null, creation_date date constraint sws_creation_date_nn not null, constraint sws_proc_schema_proc_name_un unique (schema, procedure_name) ); comment on table sws_procedures is 'Stores the mapping of an alias procedure name, under a schema, to a ctxsys owned indexing procedure'; comment on column sws_procedures.procedure_name is 'the alias procedure name for the schema.'; comment on column sws_procedures.actual_procedure_name is 'The procedure name owned by ctxsys schema.'; comment on column sws_procedures.schema is 'the schema that uses the alias to reference the actual procedure'; declare v_exist_p char(1); v_code varchar2(4000); v_cursor_id integer; v_result integer; begin select decode (count(*), 0,'f','t') into v_exist_p from user_objects where object_name = 'SWS_PROCEDURE' and object_type = 'PACKAGE'; v_code := ' create or replace package sws_procedure is function create_procedure ( schema in sws_procedures.schema%TYPE, procedure_name in sws_procedures.procedure_name%TYPE, call_procedure in varchar2 ) return varchar2; procedure drop_procedure ( schema in sws_procedures.schema%TYPE, procedure_name in sws_procedures.procedure_name%TYPE ); function get_actual_procedure ( schema in sws_procedures.schema%TYPE, procedure_name in sws_procedures.procedure_name%TYPE ) return sws_procedures.actual_procedure_name%TYPE; procedure clean_schema ( schema in sws_procedures.schema%type ); end sws_procedure;'; if v_exist_p = 'f' then v_cursor_id := dbms_sql.open_cursor; dbms_sql.parse (v_cursor_id, v_code, dbms_sql.native); v_result := dbms_sql.execute(v_cursor_id); dbms_sql.close_cursor(v_cursor_id); dbms_output.put_line('created package header'); end if; end; / create or replace package body sws_procedure as -- returns the actual procedure under the ctxsys schema. function create_procedure ( schema in sws_procedures.schema%TYPE, procedure_name in sws_procedures.procedure_name%TYPE, call_procedure varchar2 ) return varchar2 is v_create_proc_string varchar2(4000); v_create_proc_name varchar2(200); v_cursor integer; v_execute_result integer; v_procedure_id integer; begin -- get the actual name select sws_procedures_sequence.nextval into v_procedure_id from dual; v_create_proc_name := 'procedure_'||to_char(v_procedure_id); -- register the procedure insert into sws_procedures ( schema , procedure_id , procedure_name , actual_procedure_name , creation_date ) values ( schema , v_procedure_id , procedure_name , v_create_proc_name , sysdate ); -- Build string to create procedure which in turn -- calls the passed in call_procedure parameter. v_create_proc_string := 'create or replace procedure ' || v_create_proc_name || ' ( rid IN ROWID, bdata IN OUT nocopy blob ) is begin ' || schema || '.' || call_procedure || ' ( rid, bdata); end;'; dbms_output.put_line(v_create_proc_string); v_cursor := dbms_sql.OPEN_CURSOR; dbms_sql.parse(v_cursor, v_create_proc_string, dbms_sql.native); v_execute_result := dbms_sql.execute(v_cursor); dbms_sql.close_cursor(v_cursor); -- Build string to grant schema permission to execute procedure. v_create_proc_string := 'grant execute on '||v_create_proc_name || ' to '|| schema; v_cursor := dbms_sql.OPEN_CURSOR; dbms_sql.parse(v_cursor, v_create_proc_string, dbms_sql.native); v_execute_result := dbms_sql.execute(v_cursor); dbms_sql.close_cursor(v_cursor); return v_create_proc_name; end create_procedure; procedure drop_procedure ( schema in sws_procedures.schema%TYPE, procedure_name in sws_procedures.procedure_name%TYPE ) is v_actual_proc_name sws_procedures.actual_procedure_name%TYPE; v_drop_procedure varchar2(4000); v_cursor integer; v_execute_result integer; v_procedure_id integer; begin select actual_procedure_name, procedure_id into v_actual_proc_name, v_procedure_id from ctxsys.sws_procedures where schema = sws_procedure.drop_procedure.schema and procedure_name = sws_procedure.drop_procedure.procedure_name; -- Build string to drop procedure v_drop_procedure := 'drop procedure ' || v_actual_proc_name || ''; dbms_output.put_line(v_drop_procedure); v_cursor := dbms_sql.OPEN_CURSOR; dbms_sql.parse(v_cursor, v_drop_procedure, dbms_sql.native); v_execute_result := dbms_sql.execute(v_cursor); dbms_sql.close_cursor(v_cursor); delete from sws_procedures where procedure_id = v_procedure_id; commit; end drop_procedure; -- Returns the procedure created in ctxsys schema with -- the procedure_name alias under parameter schema. function get_actual_procedure ( schema in sws_procedures.schema%TYPE, procedure_name in sws_procedures.procedure_name%TYPE ) return sws_procedures.actual_procedure_name%TYPE is v_actual_proc_name sws_procedures.actual_procedure_name%TYPE; begin select actual_procedure_name into v_actual_proc_name from ctxsys.sws_procedures where schema = sws_procedure.get_actual_procedure.schema and procedure_name = sws_procedure.get_actual_procedure.procedure_name; return v_actual_proc_name; exception when no_data_found then return null; end get_actual_procedure; -- Removes all the schema procedures procedure clean_schema ( schema in sws_procedures.schema%TYPE ) is Cursor c_proc_name is select procedure_name from sws_procedures where schema = sws_procedure.clean_schema.schema; begin for v_pref_rec in c_proc_name loop sws_procedure.drop_procedure(schema, v_pref_rec.procedure_name); end loop; end clean_schema; end sws_procedure; / -- create a public synonym, so that -- all methods could access them create public synonym sws_procedure for ctxsys.sws_procedure; grant execute on sws_procedure to ctxapp;