COMMON TASKS: # publishing status of an item select NVL(initcap(publish_status), 'Production') publish_status, NVL(to_char(start_when, 'MM/DD/YY HH:MI AM'), 'Immediate') start_when, NVL(to_char(end_when, 'MM/DD/YY HH:MI AM'), 'Indefinite') end_when, content_item.is_publishable(:item_id) is_publishable, live_revision from cr_items i, cr_release_periods r where i.item_id = :item_id and i.item_id = r.item_id (+) # show the attribute listing for the latest revision # get the table name and object type select o.object_type, t.table_name from acs_objects o, acs_object_types t where o.object_id = :revision_id and o.object_type = t.object_type # fetch revision info select x.context_id item_id, content_item.get_revision_count(x.context_id) revision_count, content_revision.get_number(:revision_id) revision_number, content_item.get_live_revision(x.context_id) live_revision, x.* from $type_info(table_name)x x where object_id = :revision_id # fetch attribute values select types.pretty_name object_label, types.table_name, types.id_column, attr.attribute_name, attr.pretty_name attribute_label from acs_attributes attr, ( select object_type, pretty_name, table_name, id_column, level as inherit_level from acs_object_types where object_type ^= 'acs_object' connect by prior supertype = object_type start with object_type = :content_type) types where attr.object_type = types.object_type order by types.inherit_level desc # get a listing of all revisions for an item # get info about an item (live_revision, is_publishable) select item_id, name, locale, live_revision, content_item.get_path(item_id) as path, content_item.is_publishable(item_id) as is_publishable from cr_items where item_id = :item_id ###### ###### # get revision list (un-paginated) w/ pagination = 73ms select revision_id, trim(title) as title, trim(description) as description, content_revision.get_number(revision_id) as revision_number from cr_revisions r, acs_objects o where r.revision_id = o.object_id and o.context_id = :item_id order by revision_number # show a listing of related items select r.rel_id, r.related_object_id item_id, t.pretty_name as type_name, NVL(r.relation_tag, ' ') as tag, NVL(content_item.get_title(r.related_object_id), (select name from cr_items where item_id = r.related_object_id)) title, (select pretty_name from acs_object_types ot where ot.object_type = content_item.get_content_type( r.related_object_id)) content_type, NVL((select 'f' from dual where exists ( select 1 from cr_item_rels r2 where order_n < r.order_n)), 't') as topmost, NVL((select 'f' from dual where exists ( select 1 from cr_item_rels r2 where order_n > r.order_n)), 't') as bottommost from cr_item_rels r, acs_objects o, acs_object_types t where r.item_id = :item_id and o.object_id = r.rel_id and t.object_type = o.object_type order by order_n, title # show a listing of child items # get the possible children types for this object select t.pretty_name, c.child_type from acs_object_types t, cr_type_children c where c.parent_type = content_item.get_content_type(:item_id) and c.child_type = t.object_type # show a listing of child items select i.item_id,, trim(content_item.get_title(i.item_id)) title, t.pretty_name, to_char(o.creation_date, 'MM/DD/YY HH24:MM') last_modified from cr_items i, acs_object_types t, acs_objects o where o.context_id = :item_id and o.object_id = i.item_id and i.content_type = t.object_type order by t.pretty_name, title # show a listing of templates, registered to the item and to the type # content type, title select object_type, pretty_name, content_item.get_title(:item_id) name from acs_object_types where object_type = content_item.get_content_type(:item_id) # listing of templates registered to the item select template_id, use_context, name from cr_items i, cr_item_template_map t where i.item_id = t.template_id and t.item_id = :item_id order by name, use_context # listing of templates registered to the content type select template_id, name, use_context, is_default, (select 1 from cr_item_template_map itmap where itmap.template_id = t.template_id and itmap.use_context = t.use_context and itmap.item_id = :item_id) already_registered_p from cr_type_template_map t, cr_items i where t.template_id = i.item_id and t.content_type = :content_type order by name, use_context # show workflow status for an item # get the status of the workflow for this item select case_id, initcap(state) state from wf_cases where object_id = :item_id # look up enabled or started transitions select k.transition_key, k.task_id, t.transition_name, k.holding_user, content_workflow.get_holding_user_name(k.task_id) hold_name from wf_tasks k, wf_transitions t where k.case_id = :case_id and k.state in ('enabled', 'started') and k.transition_key = t.transition_key # is this user assigned this task select decode(count(*), 0, 'no', 'yes') from wf_case_assignments where case_id = :case_id and transition_key = :transition_key and party_id = :user_id # get the task deadline select to_char(deadline, 'DD MON') deadline from wf_case_deadlines where case_id = :case_id and transition_key = :transition_key # show a listing of comments associated with an item select journal_id, action_pretty, msg, decode(NVL(p.person_id, 0), 0, 'System', substr(p.first_names, 1, 1) || '. ' || p.last_name) person, to_char(o.creation_date, 'MM/DD/YY HH24:MI:SS') when from journal_entries j, acs_objects o, persons p where ( j.object_id = :item_id or j.object_id in (select case_id from wf_cases c where c.object_id = :item_id) ) and j.journal_id = o.object_id and o.creation_user = p.person_id (+) and msg is not null order by o.creation_date desc # show a listing of keywords associated with an item select keyword_id, content_keyword.get_heading(keyword_id) heading, NVL(content_keyword.get_description(keyword_id), ' ') description from cr_item_keyword_map where item_id = :item_id order by heading